Friday, February 3, 2012

Vintage-Style Postage Stamp Mirror

This vintage-style mirror project is a great way to make use of an old stamp collection.


All you'll need:
  • mirror in an unfinished wooden frame ($1 - $2 at craft stores)
  • small paintbrush
  • large paintbrush
  • scissors
  • a variety of cancelled stamps
  • your trusty Mod Podge

    Step 1:
    Start by roughly laying out your stamps on the frame of the mirror.  This serves two purposes: first, you can ensure that you have the correct number of stamps; second, you can get an idea of what the finished product will look like, and make any changes you see fit.

    Step 2:
    Take the mirror out of the frame and set it aside. Using Mod Podge and a paintbrush, simply start adhering the stamps to the frame.  I let all of mine overlap at different angles, but you could go for a “neater” rows/columns look if your stamps are roughly the same size.

    Step 3:
    After the Mod Podge has dried completely, apply a top coat of Mod Podge to seal everything together and give it some shine.  Note: I also chose to lightly sand the inner and outer edges of the frame before I applied the topcoat, but you don’t have to do that.

    Once everything is completely dry, clean the mirror and put it back in the frame. And there you have it -- you're done!

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